Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is plaster consolidation? Q. What do you mean when you say that a plaster ceiling is a 'loosely suspended system'? Q. How and why does plaster deteriorate? Q. What happens when a plaster key & lug breaks? Q. What is the HPCS method of plaster assessment? Q. How do you decide whether or not a plaster ceiling needs to be consolidated? Q. Why treat the whole ceiling? Why not just isolate and treat the worst areas? Q. Does HPCS ever NOT recommend consolidation? Q. Why would one want to put plastic in an historic ceiling? Some have criticized the HPCS method of plaster consolidation because 'the way this system responds to vibration or thermal movement is not entirely understood'. Q. What is your response? Q. Are there other companies that do plaster consolidation the way HPCS does? Q. How did HPCS develop its products? Q. How many plaster ceilings has HPCS consolidated?

If you still have questions or would like to arrange a consultation, please contact us.

Historic Plaster Conservation Services